I love my class. I love my coworkers. I love how my job is like a big community. I love how Livia’s teachers are like her second family.

However, the SAHM Envy I feel sometimes is undeniable.  Weekends are gone in the blink of an eye. Saturday comes and goes, Sunday is almost nonexistent…then, it’s back to the long work week, and every day I am left with the day’s ”leftovers”, a few hours of ”quality” time with Livia, much of which is spent cooking dinner/cleaning up/getting ready for bed. Tonight, Livia fell asleep at 7:45 pm. We spent about 2 hours together today.

Sometimes, when Livia is asleep, I look at the ‘Stay At Home Mom’ groups on and imagine what life would be like if I, too, could bring Livia to Story Time at Barnes and Noble, have fun little playdates in the park, just the two of us…the spontaneity would be so beautiful.

Our mornings can be rushed sometimes, and I miss out on funny moments (like her pretending to put on makeup with my makeup brushes) because I am in a hurry to get ready.

Sigh…atleast we have a vacation coming up to look forward to.  :-/