Why I Love Being Home

Lately, I’ve been asked what my favorite part of staying home is. Well.. after putting some thought into it, I think the thing I love most about being home with Livia is that we really spend quality time together. The TV stays off. When I have to clean or do other chores, she “helps”, and it becomes fun. We go on walks and have “conversations” about what is going on, and I recently started asking her what she thinks people are doing/where she thinks they are going, etc. Today we passed a construction site and Livia was so amazed by the big steam shovel, we stood and watched it for 5 minutes.
We randomly went to Story Time at a library and checked out her first book. It was awesome!
We go to a park or take a long “nature walk” every day.
We get messy. Really messy!
We listen to different music and dance.
We take care of our Parakeet together.

Some days are more challenging than others of course, especially when one of us wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, but we talk through it and do the best we can.
I really wouldn’t trade this for the world!