Dreaming of Springtime…

I couldn’t help but think of all of the things I’m looking forward to doing with Livia once Spring FINALLY gets here.

I can’t wait to:

-Plant a tree in the front yard!

-Make DIY birdfeeders and watch the birds!

-Go on hikes! (Note: I have NEVER been an outdoorsy person, but I know how vital experiencing nature is for children, so now I’m actually really looking forward to this! )

-Plant a garden!

-Make our mailbox look nicer and plant some flowers around it!

-Take long walks on the walking mall!

-Eat lunch outside on the patio! Or have picnics in the backyard!

I still make sure we go outside at some point every day (even though lately we mainly just walk around the neighborhood), but there’s nothing fun about wearing tons of layers and having cold wind in our faces! Sigh…hurry up, Spring! 🙂