Random Cuteness

IMG_0868IMG_0865 Livia is a Daddy’s Girl!


IMG_0922 Livia LOVES the water. ❤


IMG_0958 She loves taking ALL of my makeup brushes out!

IMG_0961 …and my accessories!


This next series of pictures is my absolute favorite. I loveee how creative she already is!

Livi’s Favorite Game (the next 5 pictures): 

IMG_0962  IMG_0963  (What is this broccoli good for?)IMG_0964IMG_0965IMG_0966  I find ways to use EVERYTHING as a basketball! (Play food, blocks…you name it!)!

More (Late) B-day Pics!

Better late than never! Here are some of the best pics from Livia’s First Birthday (the actual day AND her party)!

IMG_0770 The night before, I finished setting up her play area.


Pics from her birthday morning ❤

IMG_0786IMG_0759 (If you look closely, on her couch there is a book called “Livia’s Book”. It’s all about Livia! I wrote it and had it turned into a Board Book. It is bilingual (Italian/English)!




My 9 Month Old Cutie!


I  feel like I open every entry with “I can’t believe she’s____!”, but that’s seriously how I feel every day! I really CAN’T believe she’s accomplishing so much, and I can’t believe how fast time is flying! Her first little tooth is starting to appear. I am seriously going to miss her gummy smile! *tears!!!*  Every time she has one of her ‘monthly’ birthdays, I think about the beautiful morning that I went into labor and the evening that she was born. I just can’t get enough of my little boo! ❤ IMG_0215

I am so in love! Look at that irresistible smile!


Making a mini fold-out couch into a tunnel!

St. Patty Snow Day! (Pics)

We are so over the cold weather and snow, but we can’t complain about a day off together! 🙂

Here is how we have been enjoying our snow day. (And yes, those are Santas. She is being ironic.)


Exploring in the kitchen! She figured out how to use the chair as a walker! (Oh boy).



Learning about manners at a tea party!

She held the cup to her mouth and everything! But as soon as Livia realized that there was nothing to drink and that the food wasn’t real, she left me! 😦


IMG_0187 “Maybe if I eat the nasal bulb, Mommy can’t use it!”

IMG_0184 Hiding from Mommy! (“I wonder why she was able to find me!”)


IMG_0183 Never still for a moment!

This  crazy girl really keeps me on my toes. She gets into EVERYTHING. She even tried to climb our elliptical!

After a busy, busy morning, she is taking a nap, and I am recharging my batteries for when she wakes up! 🙂



How Cliche’ Can I Get?


If you follow my Instagram, you can see that I’m obsessed with taking pictures of Livia (and before Livia, I was constantly snapping shameless selfies).

Last night, I was browsing Pinterest and other Mommy blogs, and I said to myself: “something is missing from my life”. That something was a DSLR camera. I, too, want to have these perfect pictures. I envisioned myself taking amazing magazine-worthy pictures of Livia to put in our living room. I decided to do some research first.

I  took a Google crash course on DSLR cameras, read some stuff about aperature, ISO, and some other terms that I already forgot. The photographer who took our family portraits suggested that I get a Canon Rebel T3i (just the body) and a 50 mm 1.8 lens to start with. (Whew!)

I paid any upcoming bills so I wouldn’t feel guilty about spending money. I did some calculations and decided that I could afford it and that it would definitely be worth it.

I ordered the Canon Rebel T3i and the lens! I found the Canon T3i on Amazon REFURBISHED! And I got a got a good deal on the lens, too.

For BOTH of those things, I actually spent way less than I would if I had gone to Best Buy or Target and just purchased the camera by itself (at Target, this camera is about $600 and the lens is $200).

I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I’m very excited eager to learn!

Oops…I am officially a walking cliche’. A mommy blogger with a fancy camera.