A Change of Heart.

As soon as Livia closed her eyes to sleep, I’d get on Pinterest and Etsy. My last few Google Searches are all “wonderland theme”. I have countless lists of vintage items I need to make this party “perfect”.  It finally hit me that this party has gotten bigger than Livia, and I hated it.
As an emergent curriculum teacher, (everything we do is based on each child’s interests and needs), I could punch myself in the face.  Nothing about the Alice in Wonderland inspired theme screams “Livia”. When people walk into the party, I want it to be just about Livia- not the “shabby chic” decor, not the elaborate tablescape.

SO. While I was browsing online, I found this service called Prinstagram. They do high quality prints of Instagram pictures. Well, I have taken countless IG pics of Livia since day 1.  I ordered 120 and thought “why not make this the theme?”.  “A Year In Pictures”!  Collages of her doing her favorite things. Tons of pictures as creative decorations. A fun photobooth.
I already feel relieved. It will still be a really really nice party, but I’m not overdoing it.

First Bday Photoshoot!

As I may have mentioned before, the theme for Livia’s first birthday party is “Livia’s Onederland” (inspired by Alice in Wonderland, but no cookie-cutter stuff).
The party will be a “garden tea party” with a whimsical feel. 
Two of the songs from the Disney movie (and my main source of  that I love are “A World of My Own” and “A Golden Afternoon”.  Livia loves nature, so there will be lots of floral decor (real and fake). My favorite part of the song “World of my own” says “All the flowers would have very extra special powers, they would sit and talk to me for hours”.   😀
The part of the “Golden Afternoon” song that I love is “you can learn a lot of things from the flowers, especially in the month of June”… June is Livia’s birthday month..how perfect! 😀
I’m coming up with a bunch of fun kid avtivities for the party that go with the theme… definitely sensory,something cool and messy they can get their hands into! 

On Saturday, I picked up two tutus from “Giggles and Wiggles”,  (my go to place for tutus and bows)!  We did a Queen of Hearts photoshoot that we will use for the party invitations. She also took a few pics in her Alice inspired tutu, but we are redoing them this weekend.



(My parents have the perfect house for this theme!!!)

I still have lots of crafting to do (I’m DIY-ing most of it) , but I know that once it comes together it’ll be amazing.:D:D:D

First Birthday DRAMA!

I made Livia’s 9 month checkup appointment today. Sh#t just got real. In a few months, she will be 1 year old! I have so much on my mind lately. Mainly: “what will we do for her first birthday”?

I’m at a loss for what we should do for her party. She’s a VERY social baby and LOVES people. But how much is ‘too much’ ? I’m pretty sure we are going to use the party room in our complex because it’s convenient. But I have no idea how many people I’m going to invite, what the ‘theme’ will be, etc. All I know is that we will NOT be doing a freaking Princess theme.

THEN there’s the ”what will I get her?” dilemma.

When I look up ‘toys for 12 month old baby’, I find articles listing ‘toys that will help baby learn to walk’. Livia is VERY close to standing independently, and I am sure that she will have BEEN walking by her 1 year birthday.

And THEN, for some reason, I’m having all of these weird ethical battles with myself. Every time I see a play kitchen, some random voice in my head says “are you getting her a kitchen because she’s a GIRL? do you want to send the message that women should just be in the kitchen?!”. I have no idea where that is coming from. Most of the boys in my class play with the kitchen more than the girls do, so I don’t know WHY I feel a slight twinge of guilt every time I look at a kitchen.

Sigh. I think that her birthday present will be me putting together her very own play area/nook in the living room. A legit one. It’ll be the gift that keeps on giving. I already have some ideas in mind (thanks to Pinterest of course), but I have to do some moving around of furniture.