

I have been so busy that every time I decide to write a post it ends up having TONS of news crammed in it. This is what has been going on in La Casa de Medici-Bentley:


*Livia is walking practically running everywhere!

*The pediatrician says that Livia is very advanced language-wise, and thinks she may have up to 20 words by 15 months 😀 (Speaking of words, Livia says “NO” a lot! )

*Livia signed her first sentence…she now can sign “More, please!”

*The separation anxiety phase has begun! If she even passes my classroom and catches a glimpse of me, she cries and cries. Luckily, the tears subside after about 30 seconds.

*I turned 26 yesterday! I honestly almost forgot my own birthday.

*No more formula! Livia transitioned beautifully to cow’s milk. She has mastered the sippy cup and can even drink out of a real cup!

*Livia is 29 inches tall (she is literally half my height). Whenever I wear her, everyone tells me she’s ”almost too big for the carrier”. Ugh. Whatever, I love wearing her and will continue to do so!

*I’m back in school! I am pursuing my Bachelor’s degree online with University of Phoenix. I’m about halfway done!