6 Fun Things We Did Today!

* We went to Story Time! It was a birthday themed Story time, so we all wore party hats and read “Birthday Bugs”! Livia loved the balloons!


*We went to the “big park”. Livia ran to the big kids’ park and climbed some steep monkey bars that led to a slide. She climbed so fast-before I knew it, she was out of my reach! She thought this was hilarious. A taller lady helped me out :).
*We made ham and cheese grilled sandwiches for lunch. Livia was my cheese sprinkler 🙂
*We took a spontaneous walk with an old friend from high school and a new friend who lives up the street. They were walking their dogs and Livia LOVED running along with them !
*After visiting Grammy & Nonno, we saw a cat roaming around our house. She was very friendly and playful. We said “hi” then went inside. As soon as I shut the door, Livia burst into tears and was asking for the cat. It was around 6:30 but it was still beautiful and light outside, so we ended up stalking the cat for almost an hour because Livia was determined to play with her. 🙂
*We tried making homemade healthy “ice cream” (frozen bananas, cocoa powder and a tiny bit of peanut butter). Next time I’m using a food processor, not a blender! It was more like a smoothie. Still yummy though.

I am in love with the warm weather. It allows for so much spontaneity. (And winter coats are a pain ! :-p )

St. Patty Snow Day! (Pics)

We are so over the cold weather and snow, but we can’t complain about a day off together! 🙂

Here is how we have been enjoying our snow day. (And yes, those are Santas. She is being ironic.)


Exploring in the kitchen! She figured out how to use the chair as a walker! (Oh boy).



Learning about manners at a tea party!

She held the cup to her mouth and everything! But as soon as Livia realized that there was nothing to drink and that the food wasn’t real, she left me! 😦


IMG_0187 “Maybe if I eat the nasal bulb, Mommy can’t use it!”

IMG_0184 Hiding from Mommy! (“I wonder why she was able to find me!”)


IMG_0183 Never still for a moment!

This  crazy girl really keeps me on my toes. She gets into EVERYTHING. She even tried to climb our elliptical!

After a busy, busy morning, she is taking a nap, and I am recharging my batteries for when she wakes up! 🙂