“Mom Guilt” Thoughts. -_-

Today hasn’t been a great day for me. I guilt myself over so many tiny, trivial, unreasonable things. I have this wonderful, brilliant, happy little girl, and yet I still feel like there are things I’m ‘failing’ miserably at. I still find a way to make myself feel like I’m somehow doing a crappy job. […]

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20 Months Old Today!!!

In 4 months, I will have a 2 year old. What?!?!   Part of me can’t believe it…but most of me can. I have watched her really change over the past few weeks. She likes what she likes, and she is VERY clear about what she doesn’t like. Before she was born, I hoped that she would be […]

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Toddler #Challenge: Refusing to eat.

“My toddler is refusing to eat”. I read about it, I heard other parents talk about it, but I never thought we’d experience it. This “phase” probably started two days ago, but I really noticed it today. I toasted a waffle, and after a few bites, she was done. I thought “maybe I left it […]

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Mommy and Me Gymnastics!!

We signed up for Gymnastics! We tried a free class at a local gym and loved it. Last weekend was our first “official” class. We are the only ones in the class, which is awesome because it’s pretty much a private lesson (for now). We spent the first “trial” class exploring all of the cool […]

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Dreaming of Springtime…

I couldn’t help but think of all of the things I’m looking forward to doing with Livia once Spring FINALLY gets here. I can’t wait to: -Plant a tree in the front yard! -Make DIY birdfeeders and watch the birds! -Go on hikes! (Note: I have NEVER been an outdoorsy person, but I know how […]

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Livia Lately!

I wonder if there is a word ‘big’ enough to describe Livia’s personality. When she toddles into the room, her presence just says ”I’m HERE!” . Her latest passions:  -Pouring her own water. I got her a kid-friendly pitcher, and she is REALLY good at pouring her own water! She even holds her cup still! […]

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Finally Settled In!

I’m happy to say that today was the first day I actually felt the stable “I live here!” feeling. This is a feeling I haven’t felt since we decided to move out of the condo! Today had nothing to do with unpacking, organizing, running errands, ‘planning’ etc.  We just had a normal day! When we […]

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Moving/Setting up a Toddler-Friendly Home/ Children’s Ikea Mini-Haul.

Next week, we move from our one-bedroom condo in the city to a cozy, 3 bedroom townhouse in my hometown. We are so excited! We are also aware that this is another BIG change for Livia, so we are trying to prepare her as best we can. She’s almost 19 months old now and VERY […]

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Favorite Moments From The Cruise!

Well, I didn’t take that many pictures. I actually had to remind myself to bring my phone with me so I could take pictures!  I loved not having Wifi or cell phone service, so most of the time my phone just stayed in the cabin. I mainly used it as our white noise machine. I’m […]

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WOW, It has been a while!

Yikes! It has been almost two months since my last post! Needless to say, life got busy. Between the holidays (Thanksgiving/Christmas), going on the cruise two days after Christmas (which was TONS of fun btw) AND getting ready for our big move next week…I jus haven’t had much ANY time to write! 🙂 Through all of this […]

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