
Welcome! My name is Laura. I’m lots of things, but I decided to write about the joys of family life!   I’m a happy wife and first time Mommy (my “wittle angel” was born June 2013).

I recently (September 2014) made the decision to take a break from my Early Childhood teaching career to stay home full-time! I plan on using everything I have learned as a teacher and sharing it with my daughter. During this time, I am also continuing my education. My goal is to have earned my Master’s by the time my daughter is ready for Kindergarten.

My beautiful family!

I started this blog during my pregnancy and decided to continue to write about the awesome journey of Mommyhood. I definitely had way more time to blog before, but I love writing about these moments so much that I make time for it when I can!


Why the name CiaoMommy?

I’m Italian and Dominican. I lived in Italy for more than 2 years and am fluent in Italian. I plan on raising Livia as a bilingual girl! Like her Mommy, she is a dual citizen- she has a US and an  Italian passport!

This blog used to be called “TwoPinkLines”. I changed the name because the previous title represented my life during pregnancy. I was only pregnant for 9 months- I’ll be a Mommy forever! 🙂

How would you describe yourself as a parent?

If my daughter wants to dress-up as Batman on a day that isn’t Halloween, I’m the type of parent who will dress up with her as Robin.  Having been a preschool teacher, you learn not to take yourself too seriously, and I feel like this will help me be a better parent to my daughter as well. For now, at least! I will adapt over time to my daughter’s needs and just be there in any way I can!

Any advice to new/expecting Moms?

Enjoy every second! Lots of people will be cynical and only talk about the challenges (i.e. “You won’t ever sleep again!” “It isn’t about you anymore!”, etc), but you  should embrace those parts, too. I work full-time as an early childhood teacher, so I’m always in MommyMode and OF COURSE there are nights that I’m tired, but I would never trade any amount of sleep for the sweet smile I see every day! Smile and laugh through the “difficult” parts! 




  1. I love your blog!

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