I. Hate.Cooking. RANT!!! 


I hate, hate, hate it. It requires all of the things I’m terrible at: mainly planning and being organized. And I feel very insecure about it. It just isn’t fun for me at all! 

I remember when I discovered “make ahead freezer meals” that I could cook in the crock pot. I made 10 meals (5 recipes, 2 meals for each). I thought my hatred for cooking had come to an end . Well, not every recipe was a huge hit. I looked for other recipes, but I was too hesitant to try them. Plus, $200 for 10 meals (half of which are the same ) just didn’t make sense to me. What about breakfast and lunch that didn’t consist of leftovers ?  

I just can’t !  

But when I don’t plan, I over-shop and food ends up getting thrown away. OR I don’t get enough. 

Last week, I grocery shopped without planning, and now it feels like there is no food in the house. This is why I’m in such a crappy mood now. I have tilapia and ground beef in my freezer, along with other stuff, and I have stuff in the fridge..but putting it together is like math to me. HARD. 

Then, I got really annoyed when I googled “simple meal plans” but all I could find are a bunch of show offs who think that simple meals involve 1000000 ingredients and fancy names. I also found a few articles by moms who “claimed” to hate meal planning, but they were really good at it. (This is like lying to house guests and saying your house is a mess when you JUST cleaned). This  made me feel even more like crap! 

So I sat down for over an HOUR and tried to make my own very simple meal plan consisting of everyone’s favorite foods . It should allow me to use leftovers AND eat a variety of food throughout the week.  Sigh. I just want to be a good mom who can cook something different every night effortlessly. Is that too much to ask ?! 

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