My Favorite Things About This Age (21 mos)

-Her attention span is getting longer! She will sit through 3-5 books in a row! She is also starting to enjoy longer books like “Ten Apples Up on Top”! (She loves the part with the “angry bear” !)

-I can talk her through things. Before we go to a store, I say “we are going to the store! I know you’re ready to sit nicely in the cart, right?” She nods.
If she’s having a meltdown in a store, I say the same thing each time “We are almost done, and then we can go home, ok?” She usually says “okayyyy” , and at that point I offer her a stuffed animal or my phone. (If that fails, I just carry her on my hip and she “helps” me push the cart. It’s definitely very difficult, but it isn’t for long).
If my mom is watching her for a little, I say “I’m going to go, and then I’ll be back ! You get to play with Grammy!”
I say the same things every time.

-Watching her interact with other kids . She often offers a “high five!” The other day at the park, she was sitting down with a kid and she started drooling (on purpose) through the holes on the jungle gym. Then he started doing it. So they sat there drooling together. Adorable and gross at the same time.

-She can amuse herself ! We spend so much time together during the day, she doesn’t “miss” me when I have to do things like unload the dishwasher. She plays with her kitchen, her puzzles, her blocks, or her “babies”. 🙂 I can finally shower when she’s awake now, too! She plays in the sink, reads, or watches PBS Kids on my phone .

-Her confidence really shows! Whenever she’s proud of herself, she cheers herself on and says “Go Livi! Go Livi! Go, go, go Livi!”

-Quality time is really quality time. When we swing together on a swing, when we have snack on our front steps, or when we are just being silly, I can tell she really enjoys our time together.


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