6 Fun Things We Did Today!

* We went to Story Time! It was a birthday themed Story time, so we all wore party hats and read “Birthday Bugs”! Livia loved the balloons!


*We went to the “big park”. Livia ran to the big kids’ park and climbed some steep monkey bars that led to a slide. She climbed so fast-before I knew it, she was out of my reach! She thought this was hilarious. A taller lady helped me out :).
*We made ham and cheese grilled sandwiches for lunch. Livia was my cheese sprinkler ๐Ÿ™‚
*We took a spontaneous walk with an old friend from high school and a new friend who lives up the street. They were walking their dogs and Livia LOVED running along with them !
*After visiting Grammy & Nonno, we saw a cat roaming around our house. She was very friendly and playful. We said “hi” then went inside. As soon as I shut the door, Livia burst into tears and was asking for the cat. It was around 6:30 but it was still beautiful and light outside, so we ended up stalking the cat for almost an hour because Livia was determined to play with her. ๐Ÿ™‚
*We tried making homemade healthy “ice cream” (frozen bananas, cocoa powder and a tiny bit of peanut butter). Next time I’m using a food processor, not a blender! It was more like a smoothie. Still yummy though.

I am in love with the warm weather. It allows for so much spontaneity. (And winter coats are a pain ! :-p )

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