I *DO* Have Time! :)

Vacuming. Swiffer-ing the Kitchen Floor. Dusting. LAUNDRY. My “To-Do” list was getting longer and longer, and I felt like each chore would be a day’s work. I started to feel like my whole weekend was going to be dedicated to chores, chores, chores, and that I would never be completely caught up. Then, this morning something came over me. I got up and decided to just ”get it over with”. I wore Livia in her carrier and started with a HUGE load of laundry. The folding was done in no time. Feeling accomplished, I moved on to using the Wet Jet on the hard floors, vacuuming the living room, dusting, and taking out the recycling. Before I knew it, I had finished ALL of the chores that have been haunting me all week within 90 minutes! To top it off, Livia fell asleep while I was wearing her! I came up with the idea to make a “Time Bank” and write every dreaded chore and the amount of time it actually takes to complete it. This way, next time I feel like folding the laundry will take me “2 HOURS“, I will look at my little reminder and remember that even the biggest load of laundry only takes about 20 minutes to fold. Maybe it’s a little cheesy, but it made me feel better! 🙂

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