Happy Hump Day!

Today was our first day back to school after 2 fun snow days.  The first day back to school after the weekend (especially a long one) always requires us to leave early. We’re getting into the groove of things again. It’s always the day I have to replenish her diaper supply and her ‘extra clothes’ supply. Dropping her off seems to take a little longer on these days. Thank goodness I work across the hall, or I would ALWAYS be late!

Nothing makes me appreciate my UppaBaby Vista stroller (nicknamed The Hummer) more than leftover snow on sidewalks. I feel like it could conquer anything.

Some men get really macho over their SUVs. I kind of get the same feeling with my stroller. I look over at the stroller next to me like “look at those tiny wheels. How are you going to get over this pile of snow? Watch THIS!”

…and all of a sudden it’s like the “Like a Rock” song from the Toyota commercial comes on.

Anywho…Fast forward to after school…

I decided that it was time to establish a legit night time routine.  Of all people, I should know how important routine is to children, and yet we have just been winging it at night.

The biggest inconsistency was bath time. Livia outgrew her little infant tub, but our sliding shower doors made giving her a bath in the big tub IMPOSSIBLE. The rails made it painful for me to lean over the tub, and the doors blocked off half of the tub. I kept having to put the infant tub in the living room because it’s the only place she could really fit! Thankfully, my mom came over this weekend and had the shower doors gone in a few minutes.

We started our new night time routine tonight!

Here’s what we did:

*Dinner (pastina in chicken broth) while reading/”discussing” her daily report and what she did that day.

*Play time

*Bath time (her first big girl bath at home!)

*Lotion, diaper, and pj’s while listening to her Nighttime Classical Music mix (an awesome gift from a friend)

*”Goodnight Moon” and “Runaway Bunny” while listening to her Nighttime Music and drinking her bottle

*Cuddling until she drifted off 🙂 .

It was so easy.Why haven’t I been doing this all along? She didn’t fight sleep like she usually does. This was a great way to wind down and we will definitely do this every night. I feel like if we do this every night, she will feel even more secure because she will know what to expect (DUH!).  To be honest, it also made me feel better because this will ensure that I read to her every night. I feel so guilty when I don’t!

Hard to believe tomorrow is already Thursday. I’m not complaining! 🙂



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